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French Sentence Analyser

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     1. Proper noun. surname, from=Vietnamese
     2. art. the (definite article)
           Le lait du matin. - The milk of the morning.
     3. art. Used before abstract nouns; not translated in English.
           L'amour est aveugle. - Love is blind.
     4. art. (before parts of the body) the; my, your, etc.
           Il s’est cassé la jambe. - He has broken his leg.
     5. art. (before units) a, an
           Cinquante kilomètres à l’heure. - fifty kilometres an hour
     6. pron. (direct object) him, it
           Où est Malik ? Je ne le vois pas. - Where is Malik? I don't see him.
           Mon sac ? Je vais le mettre dans la voiture. - My bag? I'm going to put it in the car.
     7. pron. used to refer to something previously mentioned or implied; not translated in English
           Je suis petit et lui, il l’est aussi. - ... and he is it too
     1. pron. (indefinite) one, people, you, someone (an unspecified individual)
           On ne peut pas pêcher ici - You can’t fish here
     2. pron. (personal, informal) we
           On s’est amusés. - We had fun.
     1. part. (literary) not (used alone to negate a verb; now chiefly with only a few particular verbs: see usage notes)
     2. part. not, no (used before a verb, with a coordinating negative element usually following; see Usage Notes, below)
     3. part. (Used in a subordinate clause before a subjunctive verb (especially when the main verb expresses doubt or fear), to provide extra overtones of doubt or uncertainty (but not negating its verb); the so-
     4. part. In comparative clauses usually translated with the positive sense of the subsequent negative
           Apprendre le français est plus facile qu'on ne pense. - Learning French is easier than you (might) think.
     1. prep. in (used to indicate space, also see usage notes)
           J'habite en Angleterre. - I live in England.
     2. prep. to (indicates direction towards certain very large locations, see usage notes)
           Il est allé en France. - He went to France.
     3. prep. by (used to indicate means)
           aller en bus - go by bus
           partir en voiture - leave by car
     4. prep. as
           Il me traite en ami. - He treats me as a friend.
           habillé en père Noël - dressed as Father Christmas
     5. prep. at (used to describe an ability)
           fort en histoire - good at history
     6. prep. of, made of (used to describe composition)
           une chaise en hêtre - a chair made of beech/a beech chair
           une fourchette en métal - a fork made of metal/a metal fork
     7. prep. in (during the following time (used for months and years))
           en 1993 - in 1993
           en janvier - in January
           en septembre 2001 - in September 2001
     8. prep. (followed by a gerund) while
     9. prep. (followed by a gerund) by, in describing a way of getting something
           C'est en trichant qu'il est devenu champion. - It was by cheating that he became champion.
     10. prep. in (used to describe color)
           une photo en noir et blanc - a photo in black and white
     11. prep. in (used to describe feelings)
           en détresse - in distress
     12. prep. in (as part of something)
           en équipe - on a team
     13. pron. (Used as the object of a verb to indicate an indefinite quantity; of it, of them. Replaces the partitive article (du, de la, etc.))
           Essaies-en ! - Try some (of it / them)!
           Tu as combien de livres ? J'en ai trois. - How many books do you have? I have three (of them).
           Y a-t-il beaucoup de pièces ? Oui. Il y en a beaucoup. - Are there many rooms? Yes, there are many (of them).
           Martin a trois sandwichs, mais j'en ai seulement deux. - Martin has three sandwiches, but I have only two (of them).
           Il y en a combien ? - How many of them are there?
           Je bois de l'alcool parce que j'en ai besoin - I drink alcohol because I need (of) it.
     14. pron. Adverbial preposition indicating movement away from a place already mentioned; from there, from it. Replaces the phrase de là or d’ici.
           Est-ce qu'elle vient de Barcelone ? Oui, elle en vient. - Does she come from Barcelona? Yes, she comes (from there).
     1. v. third-person singular present indicative of pouvoir
          1. v. can, to be able to
                Je peux venir ce soir. - I can come this evening.
          2. v. may
                désastre qui peut nous frapper - disaster which may strike us
          3. v. (impersonal, reflexive) to be possible; may, could be
                Il se peut que je sois malade. - (literally) It could be that I'm ill / (more naturally) I may be ill. / I could be ill.
          4. n-m. (or un) power
                prendre le pouvoir - to take power, to seize power
          5. n-m. authority
          6. n-m. (legal) power of attorney
     1. n-m. asset, possession
     2. v. to have (to own; to possess)
           J'aimerais avoir 20 dollars. - I would like to have 20 dollars.
     3. v. (auxiliary) to have (auxiliary verb to form compound past tenses of most verbs)
           J'ai parlé. - I have spoken, I spoke.
           Qu'est-ce que vous m'avez fait ? - What have you done to me?
     4. v. to have (a condition)
           J'ai faim. - I have hunger.
           J'ai soif. - I have thirst.
           J'ai froid. - I have cold.
           J'ai chaud. - I have hot.
           J'ai la chiasse. - I have the shits.
           J'ai le rhume. - I have a cold.
           J'ai le SIDA. - I have AIDS.
           J'ai de la fièvre. - I've got a fever.
     5. v. to have (a measure or age)
           Elle a 19 ans. - She has 19 years.
     6. v. to have (to trick)
           Tu t'es fait avoir. - You've been had.
     7. v. to have (to participate in an experience)
           avoir des relations sexuelles - to have sexual relations
     8. v. (indtr, à) to have (to), must +preo, à, infinitive
           J'ai à vous parler. - I have to talk to you.
     1. pron. he (third-person singular masculine subject pronoun for human subject)
           Il est parti. - He left.
     2. pron. it (third-person singular subject pronoun for grammatically masculine objects)
           Je cherche mon livre. Où est-il ? - I'm looking for my book. Where is it?
     3. pron. (impersonal pronoun) Impersonal subject; it
           Il pleut. - It’s raining.
     1. v. singular present indicative of falloir
     2. v. third-person singular present indicative of falloir
     3. v. third-person singular present indicative of faillir
          1. v. to almost do something
                J'ai failli aller en Allemagne, mais j'ai annulé au dernier moment - I almost went to Germany, but cancelled at the last minute
          2. v. to fail
                Tu as failli à ta mission. - You failed your mission.
          3. v. to go bankrupt
          1. v. (impersonal) to need, have to, to be necessary (that)
                Il faut que j'y aille - I need to go.
                Faut que j'y aille. - Got to go.
                Il ne faut pas que tu dises ça. - You don’t have to say that.
                Il a tout ce qu'il te faut. - He has everything that you need.
          2. v. to take (time)
          3. v. to be missing
     1. pron. The third-person reflexive and reciprocal direct and indirect object pronoun.
     2. pron.          (to) himself
     3. pron.          (to) herself
     4. pron.          (to) oneself
     5. pron.          (to) itself
     6. pron.          (to) themselves
     7. pron.          (to) each other
     8. pron. (Louisiana) (The second-person plural reflexive and reciprocal direct and indirect object pronoun.)
           Je suis partie à la chasse et faut vous autres se comportes bien. - I'm going hunting and y'all need to behave yourselves.
     1. prep. in (used to indicate space, also see usage notes)
           J'habite en Angleterre. - I live in England.
     2. prep. to (indicates direction towards certain very large locations, see usage notes)
           Il est allé en France. - He went to France.
     3. prep. by (used to indicate means)
           aller en bus - go by bus
           partir en voiture - leave by car
     4. prep. as
           Il me traite en ami. - He treats me as a friend.
           habillé en père Noël - dressed as Father Christmas
     5. prep. at (used to describe an ability)
           fort en histoire - good at history
     6. prep. of, made of (used to describe composition)
           une chaise en hêtre - a chair made of beech/a beech chair
           une fourchette en métal - a fork made of metal/a metal fork
     7. prep. in (during the following time (used for months and years))
           en 1993 - in 1993
           en janvier - in January
           en septembre 2001 - in September 2001
     8. prep. (followed by a gerund) while
     9. prep. (followed by a gerund) by, in describing a way of getting something
           C'est en trichant qu'il est devenu champion. - It was by cheating that he became champion.
     10. prep. in (used to describe color)
           une photo en noir et blanc - a photo in black and white
     11. prep. in (used to describe feelings)
           en détresse - in distress
     12. prep. in (as part of something)
           en équipe - on a team
     13. pron. (Used as the object of a verb to indicate an indefinite quantity; of it, of them. Replaces the partitive article (du, de la, etc.))
           Essaies-en ! - Try some (of it / them)!
           Tu as combien de livres ? J'en ai trois. - How many books do you have? I have three (of them).
           Y a-t-il beaucoup de pièces ? Oui. Il y en a beaucoup. - Are there many rooms? Yes, there are many (of them).
           Martin a trois sandwichs, mais j'en ai seulement deux. - Martin has three sandwiches, but I have only two (of them).
           Il y en a combien ? - How many of them are there?
           Je bois de l'alcool parce que j'en ai besoin - I drink alcohol because I need (of) it.
     14. pron. Adverbial preposition indicating movement away from a place already mentioned; from there, from it. Replaces the phrase de là or d’ici.
           Est-ce qu'elle vient de Barcelone ? Oui, elle en vient. - Does she come from Barcelona? Yes, she comes (from there).
     1. contraction. se + en
     1. v. to go past
     2. v. to cross (a border)
     3. v. (legal) to pass
           passer une loi - to pass a law
     4. v. to spend (time)
           J'ai passé les vacances en Espagne. - I spent the holidays in Spain.
           J'ai passé une splendide soirée chez toi. - I had a great evening at your place.
     5. v. to publish (a newspaper)
     6. v. to take, to sit (an exam or test)
           J'ai réussi l'examen que j'avais passé en avril. - I passed the exam that I took in April.
     7. v. to pass (an exam or test)
           Il est passé à l'examen. - He passed the exam.
     8. v. (dated) to pass (an exam or test)
           Il a passé l'examen. - He passed the exam.
     9. v. (public transportation) to run
           Le train passe toutes les vingt minutes. - The train runs every 20 minutes.
     10. v. to exceed (a limit)
     11. v. to percolate
     12. v. to hand down, to pass on
     13. v. to be allowed
     14. v. to pass, to go (between two entities)
     15. v. to show (a movie)
     16. v. to go up (a grade)
     17. v. to shift (change gear)
     18. v.          to go down
     19. v.          to go up
     20. v. to stop by, to pop in
           Il est passé nous voir. - He stopped by to see us.
           Je vais y passer demain pour mes affaires. - I'm going to stop by there tomorrow for my things.
     21. v. to pass away, to die
     22. v. (music) to spin (e.g. a disk)
     23. v. (TV) to show (be on television)
     24. v. (sports) to pass (kick, throw, hit etc. the ball to another player)
     25. v. (athletics) to pass (the relay baton)
     26. v. to pass on (infect someone else with a disease)
     27. v. to put, to place, to slip (move a part of one's body somewhere else)
     28. v. to wipe, rub
           Elle passe de la crème sur son ventre. - She's rubbing cream on her belly.
     29. v. to skip a go
     30. v. to put (make something undergo something)
     31. v. (card games) to pass (not play upon one's turn)
     32. v. to take place, to happen, to come to pass
           Qu'est-ce qui s'est passé ici ? - What happened here?
     33. v. to go by
     34. v. to do without
           Je ne peux pas me passer du café le matin. - I can't do without a cup of coffee in the morning.
     35. v. to don
           Il passa son pantalon. - He put on his pants.
     36. v. (indtr, pour) to be thought to be, to be said to be, to be taken for
           faire passer quelqu'un pour quelque chose - to make someone out to be something
           se faire passer pour - to pass oneself off as, to pose as, to impersonate
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